Domestic Violence Luncheon
Annual "I AM A SURVIVOR" Appreciation Luncheon
Sara’s House/Place is regularly active in the community and has partnered with several organizations to help uplift and encourage. Every October we honor women in our community who have a story to tell and would like to be recognized for surviving domestic situations. Over the years we've had some incredible women tell their stories and be so transparent with us. This is an event where we laugh, we cry, we love and support our women. If you are a survivor or know a survivor and would like to tell us their story and have them honored this year in October apply below. Please submit a small message and video testimonial explaining who they are, what they do, that's admirable, and why you think their story is phenomenal. We like to highlight women who turned their pain into purpose and uses it to inspire and do remarkable things in our community.
Nomination Process
Nominees may be recommended from July 1st - August 31st of each year. We require all participants sign a waiver agreeing to be videotaped, photographed, and/or interviewed during this process.
Please fill out the application below nominating the person of your choice (self included if you qualify). There is no limit on the amount of people one person can nominate, do not submit applications more than once for one person. You MUST include your nominee's
Full Legal Name (no social media handles)
Date of Birth (Must be 18 years of age or older)
Email (to receive a list of requirements and acceptance letter)
Phone Number (for direct communication)
Address (sometimes we send out gifts prior to event)

Survivor of Domestic Violence
Be sure to nominate qualified individuals who have experienced some form of domestic violence and/or abuse. We want to ensure we highlight true survivors who know what it is like to experience such awful experiences and still make it out as pure gold. It is important to us that we commend women with these stories, and help to inspire those who who may still be battling and need the strength to leave.
Purpose Driven
This is our special piece of this program. It is not only difficult to leave domestic situations, but to move on to greatness is such an exciting thing to celebrate. We want women who have turned their pain into purpose and who are using that to inspire others. Maybe they have a career, hobby, or organization they are participating in that shows their heart for people. Let's give them an opportunity to shine brighter and tell their story.
Transparent & Willing
Please be sure that your nominee is willing to go public. It is not easy to tell stories of the past especially when it has a lot of memories and pain attached to it. ALL participants MUST have evolved far enough past these situations that exposing their story will not put them in any distress. We want to ensure their mental health will not be in jeopardy and also that their life is no longer in danger. Please understand these events are subject to video footage, photos, interviews and public speaking. All participants must be willing to participate equally. We do this to help current victims find the strength to leave by seeing someone just like them do well after violence.